After a while, our go-to white shirts can fade, thanks to being exposed to our natural body oils, stains, and the cleaning and drying process. Unfortunately, it can be obvious when our white shirts aren’t as white as they once were. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Before you throw away your white shirt in haste, follow our steps on how to whiten your shirts and return them to their former glory. With Vanish Oxi Action Crystal White Powder to lend a helping hand, the formula leaves you with whiter whites, even after 50 washes*, ensuring they are as bright and radiant as the day you bought it.
*vs greyed fabrics.
How to get white shirts white again
No matter how wonderful the white shirts in your wardrobe once were, over time they can begin to fade. Prevent the hassle and expense of replacing your favourite white shirts by restoring them to their original, crisp whiteness – allowing you to save your valuable time and money while extending the lifespan of your much-loved garments.
To get your shirts whiter, soak the item using Vanish Oxi Action Crystal White Powder:
Tips on how to get shirts white
Avoid bleach. Bleaching clothing with chlorine bleach is bad news for white garments. When combined with iron and hot water, it can turn clothing yellow, so stick to products specifically designed for white garments. Vanish doesn’t contain chlorine bleach so it’s safe to use on whites.
Wash with Vanish. Vanish products have been specifically designed to help keep your clothes bright and white without chlorine bleach, so be sure to add a dose to every wash to keep your whites sparkling.