How to Remove Chocolate Stains

How to remove chocolate stains from clothes

- Forlæng dit tøjs levetid til det dobbelte
- Forlæng dit hvide tøjs levetid til det dobbelte
Add a scoop to 4L of water.
Soak whites for 6 hours max.
Soak colours for 1 hour max.
After soaking, wash as usual or rinse thoroughly. For best results on stains, rub before rinsing.
For whites: For white shirts, follow the above steps but switch to Vanish Oxi Action Crystal White Powder for a whiteness boost (either with your laundry or in the drawer with your detergent). This will help work on the stain and get whiter whites even after 50 washes*. *vs greyed fabrics
Important: Before using Vanish Oxi Action, you should always follow the usage instructions on the packaging and follow its care advice.
How to remove chocolate stains from upholstery
- Fantastisk pletfjernelse første gang
Spray the affected carpet area and leave for 5 minutes (max)
Blot again with a clean, absorbent cloth
Repeat steps 1-2 as many times as necessary
Before use check for colour fastness by testing a hidden area of the fabric, rug or carpet. always follow the usage instructions on the packaging and follow its care advice.
How to remove chocolate stains on carpets

General advice
Please refer to the packaging for specific product usage and advice.
KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN AND PETS. Store the product only in the original container and always fasten the lid.
Do not expose product to direct sunlight.
Before use check for colour fastness by testing a hidden area of the fabric, rug or carpet.
For best results it may be necessary to repeat parts of the process.
Additional stain removing tips
How to Remove Cofeee Stains
Discover how to remove coffee stains with Vanish.How to Remove Cola & Soft Drink Stains
Learn how to remove cola and soft drinks stains.How to Remove Tea Stains
Learn how to remove tea stains with Vanish.